Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beatriz Gill, Mrs NC Earth, was asked to be the celebrity host of the Miss Duplin County Relay for Life Pageant

Beatriz Gill, Mrs NC earth, was asked to be the celebrity host of the
Miss Duplin County Relay for Life Pageant. The official pageant of the
DCRFL, the event helps raise funds celebrate cancer survivors, create
awareness for the disease and hopefully find a cure through research.
Beatriz has assisted with Relay For Life efforts in 32 of NC's 100
counties over the last 5 years.

(pic with the two kids) Beatriz takes a moment to meet with Mr. and
Miss James Keegan High School, mentors at their school. As a
spokesperson for Communities In Schools, Beatriz supports the efforts
of mentors and high schools students in NC.

(pic w/little girl) Beatriz with one of the night's big winners. many
of the girls know cancer survivors so for them being chosen means
accepting a job...to become the face of the fight for a cure in their

1 comment:

  1. Bea, you rock!! Can't wait to see you in Vegas!

    Maria Beall
    Mrs. VA!
